Okada was born in Tokyo, Japan on December 23, 1882, during the Meiji Era. During this time, the country was experiencing rapid change due to the beginnings of modernization and westernization. Some flourished in wealth and material gain while many others suffered in poverty-stricken conditions. Born into the latter, Okada experienced firsthand the sufferings of poverty and illness. During his childhood and early adulthood, Okada endured several personal hardships including illnesses such as pleurisy and tuberculosis. As well, he was unable to fulfill his dream as an artist due to eye problems.
Eventually, Okada started his own business selling merchandise. His store became one of the best in the industry and experienced remarkable success. However, due to several misfortunes which included the failure of his main bank, Japan’s economic instability, and the devastating Great Kanto Earthquake, Okada’s business was eventually ruined. During these challenging times, he also lost his wife and child from complications in childbirth. Due to this ceaseless suffering, Okada embarked on a path in search of the greater meaning of human existence.
Through deep contemplation and extensive spiritual research, Okada gained great spiritual wisdom as well as the ability to heal others. Having immense compassion for the suffering of others, Meishu-Sama began his spiritual movement with the goal of uplifting human consciousness, and therefore bringing about a world of peace, health, and prosperity.