The spiritual body of a human being has the same form as his physical body, the only difference being that it has an aura, which is a kind of light emanating from the spiritual being and constantly radiating in all directions through the physical body. It is something like wearing apparel for the spiritual being, and the Japanese word for it means "clothing of the spiritual body," or"spiritual attire." It is usually white, but there are some aurasthat have golden or violet tones.
The auras of individuals differ greatly in width. A person who is in average physical condition has an aura about one inch wide or slightly wider. The aura of a sick person is narrow, and if his condition worsens it becomes narrower still. At the moment of death, the entire aura disappears. The expression, "the shadow of death upon the face," must have come from the impression received when someone's last moment was approaching and his aura was rapidly disappearing
Conversely, the aura of a healthy person is wide. hat of a man of fine character who has done many virtuous deeds is broader than average and its radiation is brighter and more intense. Someone who has proved to be outstanding in some way has a wider aura than most people. Wider still are the auras of especially great men. Those of saints are indeed tremendous bands of radiance and beauty
The width and intensity of any aura are not permanently fixed; they vary from moment to moment according to the thoughts and acts of the individual. The aura of a man who is working for justice and living virtuously becomes proportionately wider. If his actions are to the contrary, his aura becomes proportionately narrower.
Auras are not visible to the average person's vision as a rule, but there are a few individuals who can perceive them. However, someone with ordinary vision can become aware of the radiation of an aura to some extent by focusing his mind and sight on it
The width of the aura influences an individual's welfare, his fortune. he wider his aura, the happier and more fulfilled his life is; the narrower his aura, the unhappier heis and the more frustration he experiences.
An individual with a wide aura exudes a feeling of warmth and makes a very pleasant impression on those with whom he comes in contact; consequently, he attracts many people. This is because his aura envelopes those who come within the scope of its radiance. By contrast, an individual with a narrow aura gives an impression of coldness to those who come in contact with him feel sad or uncomfortable in his presence and do not want to stay near him for very long. Thus, in order to attain true happiness and good fortune we should do our best to make our auras wider
How can we do this? Before going further, I will explain the true nature of the aura.
When we analyze all the thoughts and deeds of anyone, each belongs in either a good or a bad category. The width and brilliance of the aura are proportionate to the amount of good or bad traits in the individual.
When a person's thoughts and deeds are constructive, his conscience is satisfied and at peace, and in this happy state he radiates light. his adds to the width of his aura,which becomes brighter, also. Conversely, when a person thinks or acts destructively, he creates clouds which darken his spiritual body.
When a man does something to help another, that person's sense of gratitude forms light, which is transmitted to the helpful one through the spiritual cord. This also increases both the width and intensity of his aura. But when a person generates feelings of hatred, jealousy or envy in others because of his negative words or deeds,these create negative vibrations that reflect upon his spiritual body, causinghis aura to dim and become narrow.
You can see from these facts that we should do good deeds, make others happy, and be very careful not to deliberately do anything to arouse the feelings of hatred, resentment or envy in others.
Occasionally, we hear of people who have attained sudden success or have gained riches quickly, only to become failures later.The above explanation tells why this happens. Such individuals are apt to attribute their success to their own abilities, talents and efforts, so they become conceited and pompous, selfish and opinionated. In their complete self-indulgence, they live on the most luxurious scale and are usually the focus of jealousy and much hatred from many people. Their attitudes and actions and the resentments they arousein others cause their auras to dim and to narrow, and finally they are ruined
Sometimes we see in a state of decline families that have been reputable or wealthy for many generations.The cause is the same.Those who are members of the upper classes enjoy greater comforts than average people do. For being so privileged they should show gratitude by doing something to contribute to the welfare of society. They should take every opportunity to dispel the clouds.They should maintain beneficent attitudes and try to make others happy at all times.
Unfortunately, however, too many individuals think only of their own interests and show very little if any concern for the welfare of other people. Because of this attitude, their clouds increase and they become the poorest of the poor spiritually, although they may be prosperous on the surface. Since by individual law spiritual cause precedes physical manifestation, they will eventually suffer in their material lives.
I once heard a person with the gift of clairvoyance say that to his psychic eye the large buildings and beautiful houses that lined the streets of Tokyo appeared to be small, squalid shacks. This was a short time before the great earthquake of 1923, which devastated Tokyo and its vicinity. I was surprised to see this becoming a material fact after the earthquake
Another thing I wish to mention is this: The narrower an individual's aura is at the start, the more certain he is to fail in whatever he undertakes.The reason is that because of the clouds already accumulated on his spiritual body his brain tends to be dull, he is unable to form the right judgments and he lacks resolution and foresight. Consequently, he becomes too eager for quick success and grows impatient if his dreams do not come true immediately. Such a person may be successful in a small way temporarily, but in the long run he will certainly fail.
In the same sense, if the administration of a country is bad, it is because people with narrow auras are in charge of the government. It also indicates that the common people who suffer under such bad administration have narrow auras too. This ist he way the law of spiritual affinity works, a law which is immutable.
By the same token, individuals who have many clouds on their spiritual bodies are apt to undergo more purifications than those who have only a few, so they become ill more easily and are more accident-prone
If there is a traffic accident and someone is injured, that person is hurt because his aura is narrow. One with a truly wide aura always escapes any danger. For instance, if an individual is hit by a vehicle, while the vehicle's spiritual body may strike his spiritual body and his physical body may be sent flying, if he has a wide aura he will emerge without a scratch. This is due to the degree of "elastic force" of the aura
As we contemplate the meaning of the above, we find that the only way we can be truly fortunate is to make our auras wider, and we can accomplish this by continuously doing good deeds.
We encounter many an individual suffering ill fortune who believes he was born under an unlucky star and so resigns himself to what he considers his fate. This is because he has no knowledge of the aura and its powers, and we can feel sorry for him
I wish to remind those who dedicate themselves as channels for Johrei that the wider their auras are, the more effectively they can channel. And, the more people they help through Johrei, the wider and more radiant their auras become, and the more effective their Johrei is. This is due to their giving service for the Divine Cause and to the gratitude received from those who have benefited through this service. It is reassuring that many such individuals are included in our membership.