The Civilization of (Su)

The Foundation of Paradise
Page 48
September 10th, 1952

Let me tell you the meaning of (pronounced “soo”) before going into further explanation of the title. As you see, it is a dot in a circle. If it were just that it might seem to have no specific significance,but I must tell you nothing has a more mystic, profound, and great significance than the form (su). 

Let me first explain the meaning of the circle. All things in the universe are created in this form. The sun, the moon and the earth are around in shape. The spirit of a human being, when it moves from one place to another, is in the shape of a round ball. Divine spirits also move in circular forms. Though a divine spirit of a human spirit is the same in shape, the one is composed of bright light and the other has an opaque body that is yellowish or whitish in colour with little luster. A yellowish being is a male spirit and whitish one is a female spirit. The former corresponds to the sun and the ladder to the moon.

As you know, this world is created in the shape of a globe. A globe without a centre would be just an empty shell, like a human body without a soul. It is only when a soul enters the body that it becomes a conscious being and is able to be active. A dot in a circle- symbolizes the completion of a creation. The finishing touches an artist gives to his creation is called in Japanese, “putting the soul in.” This means the same thing.

In this sense, the age which is now passing has been one that was without this dot, or soul, so to speak. I once called the Old Age as one of external civilization, for this emptiness of the inside is manifested in all phases of the old civilization.

Symptomatic treatments for disease are good examples of the external civilization. Attempts have been made to suppress symptoms such as pain or itching by the injection of medicines to anaesthetize the body, or bythe application of ointments or liniments. When fever is high, either cold pads are used or pills or given. These only suppress purification. The sick are temporarily relieved of those discomforts by such methods, it is true, but they do not remove the cause. Consequently, true healing cannot be affected and the former conditions are bound to recur. We make all these only postponements of suffering. The true cause of sickness is on the inside - the dot in the circle.This fact has not yet been perceived by science.

The same can be said of crimes. At present the only method used to prevent further crimes is to give criminals the bad experience of suffering punishment. This too is a symptomatic treatment, the same is that used by medical science. In most cases, once a person commits a crime, he often repeats his act. There are some individuals who commit crimes dozens of times. The worst of them spend more of their lives in jail than out in the world. The cause of such a condition also lies in the weakness of the dot in the circle, in the unawakened soul.

The same is true of war. When one side has more armaments, the other side will abandon the idea of attacking it for the time being because there is no chance of winning. This is just a method of postponing the battles; the war will start up again inevitably, as history clearly tells us. When we think about these things, we can perceive that civilization up to now has been an empty sphere without the central dot in it.

I have often spoken of the ninety nine percent of evil power versus the last one percent of divine power. When the dot enters the circle, which is the last one percent of divine power, it will turn the tide. In other words, the evil, which has had the ninety nine percent power, will be overcome by the last one percent power of good. It is like this: Just when the inside of the circle is on the point of being tainted completely by evil, the last one percent power of God will purify the whole thing, making it pure white. In other words, God will put the central dot, the soul, into the civilization which has been an empty shell up to the present. Thus, this old one, which has been just a circle without a dot, will come to life. This is what I mean by the birth of a new civilization.

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