
The Foundation of Paradise
Page 375
June 18, 1949

Many people belong to some religion and profess faith in God. However, individuals who really trust Him are few and far between. A person may think he has total faith, but just thinking so has little meaning. There must be some outward proof that he truly believes.

It is very simple for an individual to know what he has to do and be in order to demonstrate his faith. He must be trustworthy. He must always speak the truth so that others will have no doubt about his words. He must always be honest so others can associate with him without fear of any kind of trouble. He must have a fine and upright character. It is not really difficult to know how to achieve such a character. An individual should avoid telling lies and committing any dishonest acts. He should place the interests of others before his own, helping them out of their difficulties and showing them unfailing kindness, making them happier by his presence. In this way, he will certainly win the love and respect of others.

This is easily understood by reversing the positions.  When we meet such trustworthy individuals, we are drawn to them and feel we can turn to them in perfect trust for advice and help whenever we need to do so.  It is only natural that lifelong friendships full of total trust grow through such relationships.

Whatever we do for others, our kind deeds should be of a lasting, not a temporary nature.  It is like eating rice.  At first, it seems to have little taste, but the longer it is chewed the more enjoyable it becomes.  Most Japanese people feel they cannot get along without it for even one day. Like rice, we should become enjoyable and indispensable to others 

Unfortunately, there are too many individuals who are exactly the opposite to this in their natures.  They deliberately do things that invite mistrust and tell lies that are easily exposed as untruths.  Once their deceits are uncovered, they are never trusted again, however, virtuous they may be in other ways.  This is sheer stupidity.  There are other individuals who never succeed, no matter how hard they work to do so.  When we probe into the cause for this, we usually find that it is due to their having lied so they have lost the trust of those who are associated with them.  There are virtually no exceptions to this.  Indeed, trustworthiness is an important asset.  Once you have established yours with others, you should never be in financial difficulty, for everyone who has money will be willing to lend you whatever you may need. 

We must be trustworthy in our relationships with others, but far more important is to go one step further and be worthy of God's trust, the most precious of all.  With His trust, we can live full and happy lives.

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