What is Harmony?

Foundation of Paradise
Page 364
October 1, 1952

"Harmony" has always been a favorite word with most people. When we hear it spoken it sounds pleasant to our ears, for it seems to ring with truth. However, we cannot simply accept the idea unconditionally, for even though it is not totally mistaken, the usual concept of the word is somewhat limited. Let us examine its deeper meaning. 

Everything in this universe is operating in perfect harmony; nothing is discordant.  When anything appears to be inharmonious to human sight, it is nothing more than the surface appearance.

Any discord is man-made, the result of something people have done which is not in agreement with the great laws of Nature.  Anything that opposes Nature, or the natural pattern, produces discord according to Cosmic Law. Cosmic Law, which is immutable, impartial, is the law of total harmony in its truest, broadest sense. If human beings will only follow this law, everything will move in perfect harmony, will go more smoothly.

Inharmonious acts cause discord and harmonious acts produce perfect harmony. This is Nature's laws at work in their true, basic sense.  It is important for everyone to become deeply aware of this so that when the lesson has been learned thoroughly, genuine happiness will begin to be attained.

The best proof of this is the fact that as time moves along, we sometimes find discord becoming harmony or what we thought to be harmony changing into discord, often before we realize it is happening.  Since this is the actual state of the world, we should think deeply and come to realize its true significance. 

In other words, in the narrower Shoujo Point of view, everything seems to be discordant in some way, while in the wider Daijo concept all things are in harmony.

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