Man Can Control His Fate

The Foundation of Paradise
page 286
October 25,1952

First,I would like you to be aware that destiny and fate are two completely different things, although they are thought by many people to be identical.  Let me write on the differences between them.

Destiny is decided at birth, but fate can be changed at will, depending on each individual's pattern.  We must be aware of this point.

As everyone realizes through personal experience, however earnestly we may desire to do or to be what we wish, things do not always work as we want them to.  This is because each of us is destined to dwell within a certain sphere, and it is impossible to go beyond this area.  Therefore, it is essential for us to clearly realize the limits of our destinies, which are decided at birth.  Actually, this understanding is exceedingly difficult,almost impossible, to attain.

Because of this ignorance, an individual often makes a plan which is beyond his capability, or he has a desire which is beyond his realization, and therefore he fails.  Even then, if he realizes the mistake he has made in the early stage, drops his idea, and makes a fresh start, he will not suffer too much. However, most people, not knowing the limitations of their destinies, try to persist with their initial plans, making their failures still greater. This is also due to the fact that many people take views of the world that are too optimistic.

Most individuals at last realize their mistakes after having bitter experiences,trying again and again and failing, trying to start fresh and becoming frustrated. Those who do become awakened are fortunate, I should say, for there are quite a number who are not awakened even though they fail constantly and stay at the depths of misfortune to the end of their lives.  They are indeed to be pitied.

The above statements are about the fates of those who do not believe in God. The fates of believers are entirely different.  To make this point clear I must explain it from the spiritual point of view; that is to say, all suffering is purification.  When I speak of purification, some of you may think it is only physical purification - illness - but that is not so.  The cause of all suffering, all misery is purification.  For example, losses due to deception, fire, injury, or robbery; misfortunes falling on family members;business losses or business failures; financially straitened circumstances;discord between husbands and wives; emotional troubles among family members;discord between relatives and acquaintances are all purifications 

Ordinarily,the only way to overcome purification is for spiritual clouds to be removed through suffering; if there are clouds, one cannot get away from suffering.  So, the decreasing of clouds is the one absolute requirement for the improvement of one's fortunes.  In other words, when the spiritual body is cleansed to a certain degree, purification becomes unnecessary and therefore bad fortune turns to good fortune.  This is the truth. There is a Japanese saying which goes, "Lie down and wait for luck to smile on you," but it is truer to say, "Be purified and wait for good fortune to open up for you."

There is a better way to have our spiritual bodies purified without having to go through suffering, and that is through faith. For this reason, non believers can never attain true happiness and fulfilment. But, since there are all kinds of religions, you must choose a good, powerful one; otherwise, you will not be able to attain genuine happiness. In this sense, I would like you to know that our faith is the one which fills the above-mentioned requirement.

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