
The Foundation of Paradise
page 363
October 29, 1952

Many people, including our members, often speak of impasses in their undertakings, which perturbs them, but this is because they do not realize the true meaning of such situations. They often experience greater progress and expansion because of the seeming barriers before them. These may be compared to man's occasional need for rest when running. In other words, they are not really impasses but turning points.

They may also be compared to the joints of a bamboo stalk. A stalk becomes strong because of its joints, which develops as it grows. If it were to grow without any, bamboo would not be strong at all. Thus, the fewer the joints, the weaker the stalk, and the more numerous the joints, the sturdier the stalk. Nature is a great teacher in this and in everything else. When we observe it closely, study its ways, we should be able to perceive the true meaning of almost all human affairs.

The above refers to impasses that came about in the natural course of events. Unfortunately, there are quite a few people who cause impasses through their own mistakes. These are the results of a lack of wisdom, of the individual's inability to see ahead - to see what will happen as a result of their actions, of their failing to consider the laws involved. It is these people who drive themselves to a real dead-end and are at a complete loss as to what to do.

Keep these words deep in your mind, and whenever you are confronted with a seeming impasse in your affairs remember them and think carefully about what you have been doing. If, through deep contemplation, you can find where you have been making mistakes you will be able to turn in the right direction. 

This is why it is important to cleanse your spiritual being so that you may develop greater spiritual awareness and attain deeper wisdom. For this purpose you should read and study the teachings of our faith as much as possible.

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