The Izunome Principle


I have repeatedly explained the significance of the Izunome principle both in speech and in written form. However, many of you appear to find this very difficult to put into practice, for I see only a few who appear able to apply it to their lives.

Actually, it is not as hard as you may think it is. Once you have fully realized its basic meaning and have practiced it until it has become second nature to you, you will find it surprisingly simple to put this principle into action. If you think that you cannot live according to Izunome, it is because you are obsessed by the preconceived idea that it is too difficult. At the same time, it seems to me, some of you think that this is not very important. That is why I have to write on the subject again and again.

In a nutshell, Izunome is the unbiased principle, the middle path. It is not Shojo, it is not Daijo, yet it is both Shojo and Daijo.  It means not going to extremes and not making decisions thoughtlessly, either on one side or the other. There are times, of course, when a person has to make a difficult decision. We may say that it is at this point it is hard to follow the Izunome principle, if it can be considered hard at any time.

In practice, Izunome can be likened to good cooking.  Food should be neither too bland nor overly seasoned but should taste just right. In terms of the seasons of the year, Izunome can be likened to spring and fall, which are neither too hot nor too cold, the times when the weather is most enjoyable.

When an individual's thinking and actions become balanced, he will find he is loved by everyone, and that everything in his life is going smoothly. Many people, however, tend to be one-sided. This can probably be seen most obviously in the field of politics. Today, there are groups that are called either conservatives or liberals, each of which professes to stand for principles that are actually biased.  Their thinking is extreme and they are often quite self-assertive, so they are involved in fighting with each other most of the time.

This has quite a negative effect on nation and its people. For this reason, even in the field of politics the Izunome principle should be applied, but neither individual statesmen nor political parties who realize this seem to have appeared on the scene as yet.

War, too, is caused by this same way of thinking, with each of the countries involved trying to cling to its own standards.

Internal religious conflicts, when carefully examined, also stem from the differences between Shoujo and Daijo attitudes; between emotion and reason. Such problems can easily be brought to harmonious, peaceful solutions if the Shojo side shortens its vertical pole to half-length and the Daijo side shortens its horizontal pole to half-length so there is a balance between the two. Thus, when we think carefully about such conflicts, we find that it would not be too difficult to make peace, to come to peaceful conclusions.

Let me give you another instance. In every field of human activity there are always both conservatives and progressives.  A church is no exception.  When we observe the strife between the two, we see that the conservative group is usually made up of members of long standing, who are often stubborn, adamantly clinging to traditions and frowning on new ideas. We may call such an attitude a feudalistic one. The progressive group, on the other hand, moves ahead, but it often leans towards radical new thought and tends to denounce everything that is traditional. This leads to discord in opinions and everyone begins to fight with everyone else. Differences such as these can be solved easily by applying the Izunome principle.

Here, I would like to tell you that even in religion it is important to be aware of the spirit of the times. I am afraid many spiritual leaders tend to be indifferent to the changes of time; in fact, this attitude seems to be encouraged. Such Leaders cling to traditions that are hundreds or thousands of years old as their golden rule.

It is a fact that spiritual truth is unchanging, since it is eternal Truth. However, when it comes into expression in the material world as an action in the advancing of God's Plan, that action is not always the same; since it is material expression, it must change with the currents of the times. In other words, a complete balance of the spiritual and the material should be worked out, and the Izunome principle in application is the only means by which this can be done.

For this reason, if you apply today the teachings and rituals of the masters such as Jesus Christ or the Buddha, just as they were taught and followed in the old days, you cannot inspire present-day people. You must know that this is one of the reasons many of the ancient, established religions are at a low ebb.

What I want you to realize fully is that taking action according to the Izunome principle is a basic truth that can be applied to every part of living. So, please understand thoroughly that this is the reason I repeatedly explain the meaning and significance of the Izunome principle.

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