The Power of Nature

The Foundation of Paradise
Page 50
February 5, 1947

According to the study I have made, the plane on which we are living and breathing is made up of three major elements: the element of fire, the element of water, and the element of soil. To date, electromagnetic force, atmosphere, matter, and all parts of our universe have been known to us through science and our five senses. What I wish to dwell on now is something that is beyond material science, something that is beyond our physical senses. It is spiritual energy.
The words “spirit’ and “spiritual energy” are used considerably, but most generally they are limited to the fields of religion and spiritualism. For this reason, there has been a tendency on the part of many individuals to look at spirits as mere superstition and to be convinced that denying the existence of spirits is one of the qualifications for being ranked among people of superior intelligence. This is unfortunate, for the truth is that spiritual essence is the very source of the tremendous energy which creates, activates, and changes all things in this universe. I call this an invisible force. (As I continue, I am going to refer to the realm known to our five senses as the physical world and to the unknown realm as the spiritual world.)

According to the natural laws of existence, all that appears in the physical world first originates in the spiritual world, just as mental thoughts give rise to all physical actions.
In the past, material science’s approach was to attempt to solve all the problems of life in physical terms. That is why man’s much-vaunted progress has not really brought happiness with it. In order for the troubles in the material world to be solved successfully, those in the spiritual realm must be solved first. For this reason, true healing of illness can come only through the healing of spirit by Spirit, for the physical body is a manifestation in the material world of the spiritual body, which belongs to the spiritual realm.

As I have explained before, illness is a process of purification of accumulated toxins, or a process of the dissolving of toxins. This means that a toxic area or an affected spot of any kind is simply the outer or surface reflection of the spiritual condition - the accumulation of clouds covering that particular part of the spiritual body – and when the clouds are dispelled the toxins dissolve as a physical manifestation of this spiritual action.
The methods of healing up to now have been ineffective in offering genuine and lasting solutions to illness because they have treated physical symptoms alone, which means they have been working on the effect, not the cause.
Since the dispelling of clouds on the spiritual body is the basic method for solving any physical misery, a force or power is needed to do this. The right one is a kind of ray that comes from the Cosmic Spirit, the Great Spirit of the universe, and is channeled through the human body. If you wish to fully grasp this fact, you must give Johrei to others continuously for some time; only then will you come to know thoroughly how it works. Keep in mind as you go on with your reading that what you can get from this article is no more than a general idea about Johrei and about what the spiritual energy can do.
Before going into an explanation of what the spiritual body of a human being is like, I must first explain a little about death. When the physical body has become useless through old age, illness, injury or loss of blood, the spiritual body separates itself from the physical body. This is what we call death. The discarded physical body returns to dust and the spiritual body returns to the spiritual world, where it stays until it is ready to reincarnate.
As you see by this, the spiritual body is infinite and of primary importance for it has eternal life, while the physical body is finite and of secondary importance, existing only for a single lifetime. Therefore, you must know that the spiritual body, the true being, should be the focal point for dealing with any problem on the human level.

It has come to be known by modern science in recent years that not only every living creature but also every vegetable and mineral emits a kind of magnetic force, according to my research, of all these, that emitted by the human body has the highest vibration. This is because a human being is the lord of all living creatures, as even people of ancient times said. The higher a spiritual being is, the less dense, and the more pure its vibration is. It becomes proportionately more difficult to detect by mechanical means, which is contrary to the theories of material science and explains why the magnetic radiations of such spiritually low objects as minerals or plants are easier to detect. It is important to understand this basic principle that the less dense –the more pure – a spiritual vibration is, the greatest is its power.
Human beings emit a more powerful magnetic force than anything else on earth. However, each person differs from all others in the degree of power, which varies greatly according to the individual level of spiritual awareness. The stronger a person’s magnetic force is, the greater is the power of his Johrei.
It has been revealed to me that this force can be brought to focus in a specific part of the body so clouds may be dispelled, and also how this can be more intensified so any individual can channel more effectively through a certain specific method, which I call Johrei. If you come to understand this principle and learn how to apply the two methods in proper combination, by accumulating actual experience, you will become a transmitter of increasingly more powerful energy.

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