God has recently revealed to me a good method of overcoming anger, and I would like to convey this revelation to you. I believe that while one lives in this world there is nothing more painful than anger. There may be a few people who never become angry. They seem to be lucky about never having reason to lose their tempers, but these people may be considered to be exceptions.
As far as people in general are concerned, there is hardly anybody who does not get mad at some time or other. While there have existed since ancient times some methods of self-discipline to control anger, a really effective method is seldom found. Just controlling this emotion might free a person from the pain of being angry, but the effort itself creates a new pain. Therefore, controlling temper is of no use, because the greater the anguish of being angry, the greater the pain of trying to control it. The latter offsets the former and the intensity of pain is not alleviated at all. However, through the method which God has revealed to me, the emotion of anger can easily be eliminated. What a wonderful thing this is! Let me write a little about the method.
The solar plexus region of the body is so important that it has been called the “central organ’ in Japan since olden times
People often say that the navel is the center of the entire body, but actually it is only the center of the abdominal area. This is the center of will power, expressed through such characteristics as courage, boldness and decisiveness. There are Japanese expressions such as, “He has a mature abdomen” (is determined and unperturbed), or “He has a big abdomen” (is broadminded), or “He has a strong abdomen” (is undaunted). These expressions imply that the abdomen is the seat of will power.
As I always say, the forehead is the s eat of reason, of wisdom and memory, the back of the head is the seat of emotion, of joy, anger, sadness or pleasure, and the abdominal area is indeed the seat of willpower,
The above three regions form a trinity with the solar plexus mentioned above as their central point. The consciousness of a person in anger focuses in that area, and an individual feels a kind of tight lump thereat such a time. The literal Japanese expression, “The abdomen is standing up” (isangry), comes from the fact that when someone is angry there is a feeling within the abdominal region as though a stick is standing upright, its tophitting the solar plexus region.
When you give Johrei to your won solar plexus region where“the abdomen is standing up” you soon feel exceedingly good and relaxed, as ifa lump is beginning to dissolve or a knot is being untied. Your mind feels lighter and lighter, and you even begin to be ashamed of having been angry.
This is the exact feeling of “anger being knotted,” asa Japanese expression goes. And, Johrei works not only on yourself but others also, so there is nothing as wonderful as Johrei. Anger often is not only the cause of the destruction of individual peace of mind but also of harmony in families, in other personal relationships, and on larger scales in communities and in international relationships. So, we can say that Johrei, which eliminates anger, is a tremendous benefit to the entire world.